1 Thinks of situation at work where you will need to negotiate in the near future
· How would you determine your range of objective?
We can determine range of objective by indentify the range of objective and make several target point rather than single target point. This range includes:
1. A Top line objective
That is mean is the best aim expected from the results obtained by negotiation.
2. A bottom line objective
That is means is the lowest aim expected from result obtained by negotiation, but still can be acceptable as goal.
3. A target objective
That is means is what realistically expected can be settle problem to achieve goal by negotiation.
· What is your BATNA
We should never automatically assume that a negotiation is going to result into a successful agreement. If negotiations have failed then we must take other choices or options do we have. This means that it is most desirable to have some options or alternatives to turn when the talks collapse. To use the popular parlance of negotiation, this means we need to know our BATNA which is the acronym for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. In negotiation theory, the best alternative to a negotiated agreement or BATNA is the course of action that will be taken by a party if the current negotiations fail and an agreement cannot be reached. BATNA is the key focus and the driving force behind a successful negotiator. BATNA should not be confused with the reservation point or walkway point. A party should generally not accept a worse resolution than its BATNA. Care should be taken, however, to ensure that deals are accurately valued, taking into account all considerations, such as relationship value, time value of money and the likelihood that the other party will live up to their side of the bargain.
BATNA is a term coined by Roger Fisher and William Ury in their 1981 bestseller, Getting to Yes: Negotiating without Giving In. BATNAs are not always simple and clearly. Fisher and Ury outline a simple process for determining your BATNA:
1. Develop a list of actions you might possibly take if no agreement is reached.
2. Improve some of the more promising ideas and convert them into practical options.
3. Select, tentatively, the one option that seems best.
Fisher and Ury offer a job search as a basic example of how to determine a BATNA. If you do not receive an attractive job offer by the end of the month from Company X, what will you do? Inventing options is the first step to determining your BATNA. Should you take a different job? Look in another city? Go back to school? If the offer you are waiting for is in New York, but you had also considered Denver, then try to turn that other interest into a job offer there, too. With a job offer on the table in Denver, you will be better equipped to assess the New York offer when it is made. Lastly, you must choose your best alternative option in case you do not reach an agreement with the New York company. Which of your realistic options would you really want to pursue if you do not get the job offer in New York?.
Failing to have available options during a negotiation is simply unwise. Having a good alternative empowers you with the confidence to either reach a mutually satisfactory agreement, or walk away to a better alternative.
· How will this affect your power in the negotiation?
BATNA give big effect to help us define and decide our degree of generosity and level walk away position. If we have little lose, our downside risk is small. We can efford to be generous. On the other hand, if we stand to lose a great deal, we must choose and use our objective with great care. Normally, the better BATNA, the stronger we bargaining position, and more demanding you can afford to be. However to assess bargaining power, you also need to consider the other party’s the best alternative to non-agreement. If posible, one of we bargaining objective should be to help the other party to feel satisfied with the outcome. In negotiation, firmness and clarity are a strength. Therefore, as a rule, your BATNA and bargaining objective should not be altered unless the underlying assumptions change.
2. Looking at your scores on the Thomas kilmann questionnaire:
· What is your preferred negotiation style?
From what i have answered Thomas Kilmann questionnaire, the score of result indicate that i have higher score which total numbers 41 for the collaborator style of negotiation. And the second is compromiser of negotiation style which total numbers 37, and the third is accommodator of negotiation style which total numbers 32, and followed by controller style of negotiation in the fourth position which total numbers 25, and the last position is avoider style of negotiation which total numbers 28. Then from the these result can we know that i adopt more collaborator style of negotiation in dealing with the conflict. So my preferred is collaborating style of negotiation.
· Think of situation where these tactics in achieving your objective?
In many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. We've all seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. And we've all seen the often-intense personal animosity that can result. The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing: As long as it is resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. However they also noted that different styles were most useful in different situations. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instruments helps us to identify which style you tend towards when conflict arises
Competitive: People who tend towards a competitive style take a firm stand, and know what they want. They usually operate from a position of power, drawn from things like position, rank, expertise, or persuasive ability. This style can be useful when there is an emergency and a decision needs to be make fast; when the decision is unpopular; or when defending against someone who is trying to exploit the situation selfishly. However it can leave people feeling bruised, unsatisfied and resentful when used in less urgent situations.
Collaborative: People tending towards a collaborative style try to meet the needs of all people involved. These people can be highly assertive but unlike the competitor, they cooperate effectively and acknowledge that everyone is important. This style is useful when a you need to bring together a variety of viewpoints to get the best solution; when there have been previous conflicts in the group; or when the situation is too important for a simple trade-off.
Compromising: People who prefer a compromising style try to find a solution that will at least partially satisfy everyone. Everyone is expected to give up something, and the compromiser him- or herself also expects to relinquish something. Compromise is useful when the cost of conflict is higher than the cost of losing ground, when equal strength opponents are at a standstill and when there is a deadline looming.
Accommodating: This style indicates a willingness to meet the needs of others at the expense of the person’s own needs. The accommodator often knows when to give in to others, but can be persuaded to surrender a position even when it is not warranted. This person is not assertive but is highly cooperative. Accommodation is appropriate when the issues matter more to the other party, when peace is more valuable than winning, or when you want to be in a position to collect on this “favor” you gave. However people may not return favors, and overall this approach is unlikely to give the best outcomes.
Avoiding: People tending towards this style seek to evade the conflict entirely. This style is typified by delegating controversial decisions, accepting default decisions, and not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. It can be appropriate when victory is impossible, when the controversy is trivial, or when someone else is in a better position to solve the problem. However in many situations this is a weak and ineffective approach to take.
· What steps do you need to take develop the style with the lowest score?
Anyone can learn negotiation skills and apply their own unique negotiation style to achieve a successful objective. we can develop some basic negotiating skills by following these steps.
1. Plan ahead. Successful negotiations are seldom automatic. The most important part of successful negotiation is taking the time to examine the situation and think about your plan. This applies to whether you are negotiating a business deal or travel plans with your family.
2. Consider an extensive range of options and outcomes as opposed to demanding a certain result. Successful negotiators are open to ideas and avoid locking themselves in to one outcome. They are inclined to consider multiple possibilities and options.
3. Look for common alliance rather than areas of disagreement. Acknowledging the areas where you and the other party are in agreement communicates an attitude of cooperation and decreases feelings of resistance.
4. Discuss the important issues in order of precedence. Successful negotiators have a broad understanding of some of the key issues and which are the most important. Address the issues from most important to least important. Reaching an agreement on the most important issues makes the least important issues easier to resolve.
5. Find out, as soon as possible, what the other side needs to be happy. You already know what you need to make the deal work for you. Research the other side, talk to people in the know and listen carefully throughout the negotiations until you discover what the other side needs to feel as it it has won. Then make sure they get it or, at the very least, think they got it. Have creative alternatives ready if you can't give them what they want.
6. Be prepared to compromise. Go into the negotiation with a list of things you are willing to sacrifice to reach an agreement. Know what you absolutely must come away with to make the deal work for you.
7. Avoid undesirable behavior. This involves having an intimidating or aggressive demeanor, sarcasm, using adverse body language or speaking loudly. Skilled negotiators avoid these types of behavior and work hard at communicating an attitude of kindness, friendliness, cooperation, reasonableness and candor.
3 Considering the key points for negotiation listed in step 3 and 4
· How would you start your next negotiation
Negotiation is a process, not an event. It consists of many steps or stages. Each one has its own critical importance and all are relevant to the overall success of those involved. This will touches on all of them and focuses on the preparation required, the key elements in every negotiation, the management of the actual meetings and the completion phase.
Preparing for a Negotiation
Understand objectives, limits, timetables, issues and internal negotiations in determining your responsibilities in the negotiation process. Discover what information you will need to uncover about your counterparts in preparing for a negotiation. Build and manage an effective negotiation team environment by understanding the team leader role, your team’s role and important ground rules critical to the success of your team.
Three Key Elements in Negotiation
Answer key questions in gathering relevant information and knowledge to conduct your negotiation. Utilize time, patience and the rules for deadlines and stalling to your advantage. Define the types of power and where it exists to better manage the negotiation process.
Conducting the Negotiation
Ascertain and employ four crucial steps in establishing your approach to the negotiation process. Utilize simple rules to effectively communicate your message during the negotiation process. Identify tactics to use in improving your negotiation position. Identify tactics to avoid in improving your negotiation position.
Completing the Process
Prepare and organize final documents in the development of an implementation plan and contract. Evaluate the process and results to ensure improvements in future negotiations.
· What would be three things you should do more of (or less of) to avoid emotional outbursts, blaming or interupting the other party?
1 Identify the early signs of anger, the ways you typically express anger, and situations that trigger irrational anger. When caught early, there are many behavioral techniques for reducing anger and controlling its expression. Learn to express displeasure effectively, and to be assertive without being provocative. Beware of negotiator bias--the tendency to view oneself as cooperative and the opponent as hostile and competitive. Making concessions to minimize the opponent's losses builds trust and reduces anger. Humor can also defuse anger.
2 Entering negotiations implies acceptance by both parties that agreement between them is required (or is desirable) before a decision will be implemented. If the matter can be decided unilaterally be one of the parties, there may be no point in committing oneself to the endless blaming process.
3 talk less and listen actively, if there's something you dont agree with, ask open ended question to build understanding, with that, there may be no personal attacs, sarcasm, which cause emotional outburst and both party will find their common ground.
· Did Chris have a clear strategy for the meeting with mark? How effective was it?
Yes, Chris have a clear strategy for the meeting with mark, strategy used by chris very effectiveness to solve their problem without harming one and the other. Strategy is also built based on a very heart-action. Chris In this situation as the Head of Research and development have been prepared and do consultations with vince randell before enter negotiation to solve the problem, he also building understanding to getting information and using timing and adjournments to make good decision with result win-win situation. He also showed that his used is collaborating style to find solutions and get benefit both parties.
· Can you indentify the different stages of negotiation? What helped or hindered each one?
Firstly, preparation means we have to indentify the key issues and range of objective for each issue, gather information and also prepare our BATNA to anticipate. In this case, chris find out the problems about mark manner, why he missed clients meeting before and alo thought his competance and contribution in the their organization as cosideration.
Secondly, developing strategy, this is important part before our enter into negotiation. This case chris has find way to approach mark to conforma bit, without losing commitment. He know he needed to be careful and plan his approach.
Thirdly, geting started, in which each party present their initial demand or case. In this step there are two element, opening the negotiation and setting agenda. In this case, chris has decides to call mark into his office as soon as he comes chris greeting mark and ask several question.
Fourthly, building understanding, in which the each party justifies their position and tries to weight up. In this case, chris and mark have discussion to find out way of problem. Mark response by answer it. Chris has understood his position and the company couldn’t afford to lose mark because his high commitment to the organization.
Fifthly, bargaining, each party tries to get concessions. In this case, mark got offering to go work with his friend company. It make chris worry about that. Thus he attempt to offer mark to develop his involvement in the CI project in the company
And the other side chris using timing and do adjournments to gathered deeply information before give any solution to solving the problem was emerging in this situation. This strategy has help chris get new information and also give him time to prepare new strategy what he have to do with facing this situation. This strategy also make good climate for chris and mark than first situation when Chris and mark met before.
· If you were to coach chris in a similar situation, what do you think he did well? What could he have done differently and better in dealing with situation?
If i was coach chris in a similar situation, i think what Chris did it is good and very well. With preparation and strategy chris can make deal with mark without losing willingness both parties to achieve their objective. Chirs have did and use steps of negotiation process and also have conducted bargaining with mark and he give any solution to solve their problem. And the other way mark also showed cooperate with chirs to achive deal.